What is Neo Ma’at?
It is the modernisation of the 42 negative confessions (also known as the 42 laws of Ma'at) which we can now specifically apply to our lives to repair ourselves. These laws were the basis for the unprecedented success established by the ancient Kemetans which are still visible to this very day. Everybody in that society was expected to study, practice and teach these laws as a means for personal distinction, merit and excellence. By reviving these laws - and using contemporary language and context as its vehicle - we can now also begin to live a life of distinction, merit and excellence and break out of the slavery of following negative lifestyles, attitudes and practices.
What are the 42 steps to success?
42 steps to success is a brand new self-repair programme that's based upon the 42 negative confessions found within the ancient Kemetan scripture, the "book of coming forth by day". These 42 'success principles' have been developed to encourage, support and coach Africans (in particular those who descend from Africans who were kidnapped by Europeans and enslaved in the Western Hemisphere) with their quest for total and complete reparation
Key terms and definitions of Neo Ma’at:
Neo means ‘new or revive’. Ma’at means ‘truth’. Neo Ma’at literally means ‘revival of the truth’.
Neo Ma’atic. That which pertains to or is characteristic of neo Ma’at.
Neo Ma’atist. A person who studies, practices and teaches neo Ma’at.
Neo Ma’atised. To be transformed, converted or changed by neo Ma’at.
Neo Ma'at is your key to ...
The 42 Steps To Success Programme Frequently Asked Questions.
1. Is this some sort of new religion? No. It’s not. It’s a new coaching programme aimed at helping us overcome the negative attitudes, beliefs and practices that we’ve been conditioned into, so we can begin the process of self-repair and re-establish a core set of 42 'success principles' of excellence and perfection. It’s got nothing to do with being religious and there are no religious rituals, incantations, clothing, headwear, jewellery, footwear, name changes, hairstyles etc. that you have to perform, wear or engage in to use this programme or be a part of this movement. We are more concerned about what you have in your head - as opposed to what you have on it! We accept you as you are.
2. What’s in it for me? The benefits to be gained from this programme are happiness, confidence, peace of mind, balance, guidance, direction, fulfilment, a strong motivating purpose in life, freedom and a new way of living positively - with the knowledge that you’re doing something to help actively counteract the negative conditions affecting yourself and us. You owe it to yourself, your children, family and community to try and be a part of the solution – not the problem.
3. What if I am already following a lot of the 42 laws of Ma’at? Then that’s great! You’ve already made significant effort to living a very positive lifestyle. You can then just focus on those values that you’re not following (or could be following better) and begin to implement them into your daily life. Once you've repaired yourself, you should mark the occasion with a joyful celebration of your achievement before you begin the next stage of your life long journey - to perfect yourself.
How do you do this? You continue to study these neo Ma'at success principles. You continue to practice them and implement them into your daily life one at a time. You continue to teach them to your children, your family, your friends and your neighbours. It's the perfect model for abundant peace, success and happiness.
4. Do I have to change or give up my religion? No. You can continue to follow your current religious beliefs. By solely using these 42 success principles (when we meet to decide on how we can progress as a people) they’ll act as a set of unifying, African centred principles which will give us greater commonality, similarity and uniformity, so that we’ll be less likely to be divided by specific religious/political/cultural labels and ritual practices etc. We believe that we can use these 42 success principles to solve any problem we identify in our communities and build our greatness once again. All we have to do is put them into practice and be dedicated to a successful outcome.
5. Is it going to be difficult? This is a relative question. Firstly, there is absolutely NO expectation for you to start practicing all 42 success principles ‘over night’ so to say. This is unrealistic and is not a part of this programme. Depending on your personal state, some may find it more difficult than others. It really is a case of, ‘you get out what you put in’! It is clear that anything of great value has great difficulty attached to it. Being 'tested' (and testing yourself) is one of the most time honoured ways to discover your hidden talents and capabilities.
Without being tested (and testing yourself) you'll never really know what you're truly capable of and/or if you'll remain committed to your principles - no matter what. This is the true 'litmus test' of whether or not you really do 'walk the talk' or not. But, you should equally be aware that after great difficulty comes great ease too - and also a new found level of confidence, self esteem and empowerment. Trust me - it’ll all be worth it in the end!
6. Aren’t Black people just too messed up for this to work? The global reparation movement is growing. It’s filled with people who are dedicated to proving that we are not a spent force and that we are still striving towards excellence and progress. So, let’s not focus on Black people being ‘too messed up’. We all need to look at ourselves in the mirror first and then try to answer this same question!
7. Why can’t I just do what I want to do and live my life as I please? You can! There’s no compulsion at all in studying, practicing and teaching this lifestyle. You can do whatever you will with your life. It's a free country. But, we’re at a critical time now and we need selfless people to take some of the responsibility to help overcome the challenges we face in our communities. Our condition will not change – until we first change our condition.
8. I’ve tried to tell my family and friends about this, but they’re just not interested. Have I failed? No. You haven’t failed. We all need to face the possibility that many of our people will not make it – mainly because they refuse to listen when the warnings come. That’s not your fault. At least you tried. You can’t force them to follow these values, as this system will not allow for that. It’s got to be done by free choice. So, keep on alerting them when you can – but you can’t wait for them.
Start working with those who have chosen to listen and have dedicated themselves to adopting this life style. If, by chance, you ever see those people who’ve showed disinterest in the past again, then you can try reminding them once more (you never know they may be interested this time) but if they show any degree of hostility towards you regarding this issue, then do not speak to them about it again!
9. I follow other values that I think are good too. Are you saying I have to give them up and only follow these? No. If you’re following other positive principles then you must continue to do so, as stopping will only make you less than what you presently are. We are aiming to encourage our people to adopt these essential 42 success principles as core values which we all study, practice and teach. This doesn’t stop us from following other positive values that we have already adopted. It will help us to have greater unity by making us have a common, African centred lifestyle that binds us together. As long as we maintain these 42 core values, we’ll be able to have greater chances of progressing as a united nation.
10. How long will it take? This, again, is entirely up to you, your circumstances and the amount of effort you use. As long as you make that sincere and genuine declaration to yourself that you’re going to dedicate yourself to practicing these success principles and by setting a specific date to start, then you can begin your journey to self-reparation. You’ll be more devoted on some days than on others - but, as long as you stay committed to fulfilling this goal, you’ll get through. We recommend that you give yourself no more than one year to adopt all 42 success principles and then spend the rest of your life perfecting them - and yourself.
11. If we're being so 'good', then isn't this just turning us into a bunch of 'turn the other cheek' wimps? No. Absolutely not. There's no where at all in any of the 42 laws of Ma'at where it states you have to let your enemies maim, mutilate and murder you because you live by positive principles. Doing that would be against the laws of Ma'at, as you're allowing others to deliberately break the laws which you're supposed to defend.
One of the core and critical values in Neo Ma'at is, 'never let others try and do to you, what you don't try and do to them'. This means there'll be peace - as long as others don't try to treat you in a manner that you know is against Ma'at. If they do, then you're wholly justified in doing whatever you think is necessary to defend yourself and others who are in peril. I repeat, there is no 'turn the other cheek', be 'long suffering' or 'love your enemies' in Neo Ma'at.
12. I'm giving up on a lot of things I really love doing - is this really going to make a difference to my life? Our African values were almost totally lynched, flogged and raped out of our ancestors by whites. As a result, the values most of their descendants (us) still follow are what I call 'slave principles'. These keep us thinking and acting just like slaves who live by 'anti-Ma'atic' values (the exact opposite of Ma'atic values). Living like this further keeps us thinking and acting as victims and dependents of (and on) whites and/or other races. Additionally, blaming these very same races as being the primary (or sole) reason for our continued condition, is a shameful lie that we must stop telling ourselves and each other. Continuing to live like this will only bring more of the same - and/or worse. It's us! We are the cause - and the solution
Reversing this process (by studying, practicing and teaching Ma'atic values - and not anti-Ma'atic values) the exact opposite will occur, where we'll immediately find ourselves standing at the dawn of a new archetype of peace, success and happiness for us all. The only ones keeping us away from this glorious manifestation - is us. Nobody else. There is no excuse anymore.
13. Can I get help if I need it? Yes you can. Please call/text 07741 416 981 or email info@neomaat.com We also can arrange one to one and group support sessions/workshops and online or telephone support. Please make contact for further details.
2. What’s in it for me? The benefits to be gained from this programme are happiness, confidence, peace of mind, balance, guidance, direction, fulfilment, a strong motivating purpose in life, freedom and a new way of living positively - with the knowledge that you’re doing something to help actively counteract the negative conditions affecting yourself and us. You owe it to yourself, your children, family and community to try and be a part of the solution – not the problem.
3. What if I am already following a lot of the 42 laws of Ma’at? Then that’s great! You’ve already made significant effort to living a very positive lifestyle. You can then just focus on those values that you’re not following (or could be following better) and begin to implement them into your daily life. Once you've repaired yourself, you should mark the occasion with a joyful celebration of your achievement before you begin the next stage of your life long journey - to perfect yourself.
How do you do this? You continue to study these neo Ma'at success principles. You continue to practice them and implement them into your daily life one at a time. You continue to teach them to your children, your family, your friends and your neighbours. It's the perfect model for abundant peace, success and happiness.
4. Do I have to change or give up my religion? No. You can continue to follow your current religious beliefs. By solely using these 42 success principles (when we meet to decide on how we can progress as a people) they’ll act as a set of unifying, African centred principles which will give us greater commonality, similarity and uniformity, so that we’ll be less likely to be divided by specific religious/political/cultural labels and ritual practices etc. We believe that we can use these 42 success principles to solve any problem we identify in our communities and build our greatness once again. All we have to do is put them into practice and be dedicated to a successful outcome.
5. Is it going to be difficult? This is a relative question. Firstly, there is absolutely NO expectation for you to start practicing all 42 success principles ‘over night’ so to say. This is unrealistic and is not a part of this programme. Depending on your personal state, some may find it more difficult than others. It really is a case of, ‘you get out what you put in’! It is clear that anything of great value has great difficulty attached to it. Being 'tested' (and testing yourself) is one of the most time honoured ways to discover your hidden talents and capabilities.
Without being tested (and testing yourself) you'll never really know what you're truly capable of and/or if you'll remain committed to your principles - no matter what. This is the true 'litmus test' of whether or not you really do 'walk the talk' or not. But, you should equally be aware that after great difficulty comes great ease too - and also a new found level of confidence, self esteem and empowerment. Trust me - it’ll all be worth it in the end!
6. Aren’t Black people just too messed up for this to work? The global reparation movement is growing. It’s filled with people who are dedicated to proving that we are not a spent force and that we are still striving towards excellence and progress. So, let’s not focus on Black people being ‘too messed up’. We all need to look at ourselves in the mirror first and then try to answer this same question!
7. Why can’t I just do what I want to do and live my life as I please? You can! There’s no compulsion at all in studying, practicing and teaching this lifestyle. You can do whatever you will with your life. It's a free country. But, we’re at a critical time now and we need selfless people to take some of the responsibility to help overcome the challenges we face in our communities. Our condition will not change – until we first change our condition.
8. I’ve tried to tell my family and friends about this, but they’re just not interested. Have I failed? No. You haven’t failed. We all need to face the possibility that many of our people will not make it – mainly because they refuse to listen when the warnings come. That’s not your fault. At least you tried. You can’t force them to follow these values, as this system will not allow for that. It’s got to be done by free choice. So, keep on alerting them when you can – but you can’t wait for them.
Start working with those who have chosen to listen and have dedicated themselves to adopting this life style. If, by chance, you ever see those people who’ve showed disinterest in the past again, then you can try reminding them once more (you never know they may be interested this time) but if they show any degree of hostility towards you regarding this issue, then do not speak to them about it again!
9. I follow other values that I think are good too. Are you saying I have to give them up and only follow these? No. If you’re following other positive principles then you must continue to do so, as stopping will only make you less than what you presently are. We are aiming to encourage our people to adopt these essential 42 success principles as core values which we all study, practice and teach. This doesn’t stop us from following other positive values that we have already adopted. It will help us to have greater unity by making us have a common, African centred lifestyle that binds us together. As long as we maintain these 42 core values, we’ll be able to have greater chances of progressing as a united nation.
10. How long will it take? This, again, is entirely up to you, your circumstances and the amount of effort you use. As long as you make that sincere and genuine declaration to yourself that you’re going to dedicate yourself to practicing these success principles and by setting a specific date to start, then you can begin your journey to self-reparation. You’ll be more devoted on some days than on others - but, as long as you stay committed to fulfilling this goal, you’ll get through. We recommend that you give yourself no more than one year to adopt all 42 success principles and then spend the rest of your life perfecting them - and yourself.
11. If we're being so 'good', then isn't this just turning us into a bunch of 'turn the other cheek' wimps? No. Absolutely not. There's no where at all in any of the 42 laws of Ma'at where it states you have to let your enemies maim, mutilate and murder you because you live by positive principles. Doing that would be against the laws of Ma'at, as you're allowing others to deliberately break the laws which you're supposed to defend.
One of the core and critical values in Neo Ma'at is, 'never let others try and do to you, what you don't try and do to them'. This means there'll be peace - as long as others don't try to treat you in a manner that you know is against Ma'at. If they do, then you're wholly justified in doing whatever you think is necessary to defend yourself and others who are in peril. I repeat, there is no 'turn the other cheek', be 'long suffering' or 'love your enemies' in Neo Ma'at.
12. I'm giving up on a lot of things I really love doing - is this really going to make a difference to my life? Our African values were almost totally lynched, flogged and raped out of our ancestors by whites. As a result, the values most of their descendants (us) still follow are what I call 'slave principles'. These keep us thinking and acting just like slaves who live by 'anti-Ma'atic' values (the exact opposite of Ma'atic values). Living like this further keeps us thinking and acting as victims and dependents of (and on) whites and/or other races. Additionally, blaming these very same races as being the primary (or sole) reason for our continued condition, is a shameful lie that we must stop telling ourselves and each other. Continuing to live like this will only bring more of the same - and/or worse. It's us! We are the cause - and the solution
Reversing this process (by studying, practicing and teaching Ma'atic values - and not anti-Ma'atic values) the exact opposite will occur, where we'll immediately find ourselves standing at the dawn of a new archetype of peace, success and happiness for us all. The only ones keeping us away from this glorious manifestation - is us. Nobody else. There is no excuse anymore.
13. Can I get help if I need it? Yes you can. Please call/text 07741 416 981 or email info@neomaat.com We also can arrange one to one and group support sessions/workshops and online or telephone support. Please make contact for further details.
The 42 Success Goals Of Neo Ma'at & The Counter Racism Code.
In my continuous efforts to create a revival of Ma'at since December 2017, I've encountered numerous people who were very negative towards it and viewed my efforts as being ridiculous, absurd and foolhardy. I've even heard them say the main reason we were enslaved was because we were following Ma'at and if we were following 'something else' - it would never have happened (they never say what this 'something else' is or should be though).
They believe that Ma'at has no place in the modern world and all it can do is put us back into slavery and a brand new state of primitive existence. The most peculiar thing about this is that these very same people are BLACK; classify themselves as being 'conscious' and claim they are actively involved in the Black struggle! I am absolutely baffled at how they can reach these conclusions! That's right - there were no people from any other race condemning this - just our own!
Yet, my ongoing studies have shown it's possible to see and build links between the 42 laws of Ma'at and the modern works of respected scholar of racism and inequality, Dr. Neely Fuller (primarily the nine major areas of people activity - "The United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept: A Counter- Racist Code”. The *10th area was proposed and added by Dr. Francis Cress-Welsing) those being:
1. Economics
2. Education
3. Entertainment
4. Labour
5. Law
6. Politics
7. Spirituality
8. Sex
9. War/Counter-War
10. Health*
By linking these nine/(ten) major areas of people activity to the 42 success goals of Neo Ma'at , you can see how they could work together to support our individual and collective development right now - today! An example of this can be found below:
1. To not do bad to other Black people (War/Counter-War).
2. To not commit violent robbery on other Black people (War/Counter-War).
3. To not steal from other Black people (War/Counter-War).
4. To not murder other Black people (War/Counter-War).
5. To not cheat other Black people (War/Counter-War).
6. To not 'steal' (or withhold) things that we should freely give to other Black people (Labour).
7. To not 'steal' away what you've been given to help other Black people (Labour).
8. To not deliberately give false accounts about other Black people (War/Counter-War).
9. To not take away that which can sustain Black people (Education).
10. To not intentionally bring distress or injury to other Black people (War/Counter-War).
11. To keep sex within Black marriages (Sex).
12. To not hurt other Black people (War/Counter-War).
13. To not deceive other Black people (War/Counter-War).
14. To not attack other Black people (War/Counter-War).
15. To not be cunning to other Black people (War/Counter-War).
16. To not ruin the areas where Black people live (War/Counter-War).
17. To not pry upon other Black people (War/Counter-War).
18. To not deliberately speak negatively about other Black people (Entertainment).
19. To not be angry at other Black people without just cause (Politics).
20. To not sexually degrade Black women (Entertainment).
21. To not insult Black women (Entertainment).
22. To not corrupt yourself or other Black people (Economics / Health).
23. To not use fear against other Black people (War/Counter-War).
24. To not go too far with other Black people (War/Counter-War).
25. To not be enraged with other Black people (War/Counter-War).
26. To not refuse to listen to the truth about Black people (Education).
27. To not harm other Black people (War/Counter-War).
28. To not deliberately be cruel to other Black people (War/Counter-War).
29. To not intentionally cause bitterness between Black people (War/Counter-War).
30. To not jump to conclusions about other Black people (Education).
31. To not get involved in other Black peoples' affairs (Education).
32. To not exaggerate to other Black people (Politics).
33. To not do wrong to other Black people (War/Counter-War).
34. To not cause problems for Black leaders (Politics).
35. To value that which benefits Black people (Education).
36. To not speak to other Black people in an insulting manner (Entertainment).
37. To not 'blame' The Creator for the condition of our community. (Education).
38. To not believe you unjustifiably deserve more than other Black people (Labour).
39. To choose not to pay your monetary dues to your Black leaders (Politics).
40. To remember your sincere Black ancestors (Spirituality).
41. To not work against the collective success of other Black people (War/Counter-War).
42. To not deliberately ruin the assets needed by Black leaders (Politics).
All of these can act as 'laws' that help us to perfect ourselves individually and collectively. It will pay us many dividends to explore this progressive relationship in the future as this example shows there are many valuable benefits to be potentially gained. Each of these 42 success goals of Neo Ma'at can be explored in full detail by clicking here.
Note: The term 'Black people' has been used for expediency and is not a term we insist as being used for people of African origin.
They believe that Ma'at has no place in the modern world and all it can do is put us back into slavery and a brand new state of primitive existence. The most peculiar thing about this is that these very same people are BLACK; classify themselves as being 'conscious' and claim they are actively involved in the Black struggle! I am absolutely baffled at how they can reach these conclusions! That's right - there were no people from any other race condemning this - just our own!
Yet, my ongoing studies have shown it's possible to see and build links between the 42 laws of Ma'at and the modern works of respected scholar of racism and inequality, Dr. Neely Fuller (primarily the nine major areas of people activity - "The United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept: A Counter- Racist Code”. The *10th area was proposed and added by Dr. Francis Cress-Welsing) those being:
1. Economics
2. Education
3. Entertainment
4. Labour
5. Law
6. Politics
7. Spirituality
8. Sex
9. War/Counter-War
10. Health*
By linking these nine/(ten) major areas of people activity to the 42 success goals of Neo Ma'at , you can see how they could work together to support our individual and collective development right now - today! An example of this can be found below:
1. To not do bad to other Black people (War/Counter-War).
2. To not commit violent robbery on other Black people (War/Counter-War).
3. To not steal from other Black people (War/Counter-War).
4. To not murder other Black people (War/Counter-War).
5. To not cheat other Black people (War/Counter-War).
6. To not 'steal' (or withhold) things that we should freely give to other Black people (Labour).
7. To not 'steal' away what you've been given to help other Black people (Labour).
8. To not deliberately give false accounts about other Black people (War/Counter-War).
9. To not take away that which can sustain Black people (Education).
10. To not intentionally bring distress or injury to other Black people (War/Counter-War).
11. To keep sex within Black marriages (Sex).
12. To not hurt other Black people (War/Counter-War).
13. To not deceive other Black people (War/Counter-War).
14. To not attack other Black people (War/Counter-War).
15. To not be cunning to other Black people (War/Counter-War).
16. To not ruin the areas where Black people live (War/Counter-War).
17. To not pry upon other Black people (War/Counter-War).
18. To not deliberately speak negatively about other Black people (Entertainment).
19. To not be angry at other Black people without just cause (Politics).
20. To not sexually degrade Black women (Entertainment).
21. To not insult Black women (Entertainment).
22. To not corrupt yourself or other Black people (Economics / Health).
23. To not use fear against other Black people (War/Counter-War).
24. To not go too far with other Black people (War/Counter-War).
25. To not be enraged with other Black people (War/Counter-War).
26. To not refuse to listen to the truth about Black people (Education).
27. To not harm other Black people (War/Counter-War).
28. To not deliberately be cruel to other Black people (War/Counter-War).
29. To not intentionally cause bitterness between Black people (War/Counter-War).
30. To not jump to conclusions about other Black people (Education).
31. To not get involved in other Black peoples' affairs (Education).
32. To not exaggerate to other Black people (Politics).
33. To not do wrong to other Black people (War/Counter-War).
34. To not cause problems for Black leaders (Politics).
35. To value that which benefits Black people (Education).
36. To not speak to other Black people in an insulting manner (Entertainment).
37. To not 'blame' The Creator for the condition of our community. (Education).
38. To not believe you unjustifiably deserve more than other Black people (Labour).
39. To choose not to pay your monetary dues to your Black leaders (Politics).
40. To remember your sincere Black ancestors (Spirituality).
41. To not work against the collective success of other Black people (War/Counter-War).
42. To not deliberately ruin the assets needed by Black leaders (Politics).
All of these can act as 'laws' that help us to perfect ourselves individually and collectively. It will pay us many dividends to explore this progressive relationship in the future as this example shows there are many valuable benefits to be potentially gained. Each of these 42 success goals of Neo Ma'at can be explored in full detail by clicking here.
Note: The term 'Black people' has been used for expediency and is not a term we insist as being used for people of African origin.